Endless Paradigm

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eXx1l3d cause someone had to ban u
because you have no reason...
eXx1l3d because you don't like MGS nearly as much as me
eXx1l3d because you'd be surprised how much i like mgs...
eXx1l3d because I don't play MGS!
eXx1l3d for that reason...
eXx1l3d for being a pooch (ref. Corrupt a wish)!
eXx1l3d because you are mr. gay.

On a side note, feinicks, did you get my PM?
(i hope you weren't referring to me)

eXx1l3d for no reason
metalgear08 Wrote:eXx1l3d because you are mr. gay.

rawr!!! So you free??? Try Try lets get naughty!!! AhaGongxi

metalgear08 Wrote:On a side note, feinicks, did you get my PM?
yeah! i did! I really can't say anything to the party in concern! as they have modified too!

@the poster above me!

eXx1l3d cause Zinga is a Burger!
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