Endless Paradigm

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eXx1l3d for not realizing that I was the cause of the ban war
[Image: 9rHkt.png]
eXx1l3d fer starting the ban war and trying to end it early!
eXx1l3d for gaming like a grrl
I see someone got eXx1l3d for real lol
How does one game like a girl anyway?

eXx1l3d for letting the truth out.
eXx1l3d for hiding the truth.
eXx1l3d for being a Chocolate Cake

damn word filters.
Banned fer saying chocolate cake. Damn it, now I want chocolate.
B­a­n­n­e­d­ for not being able to bypass filters
Banned fer fibbing.
You're ­b­a­n­n­e­d!
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