Endless Paradigm

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OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]EXxe1l3d for no Hentai!

eXx1l3d for making me remember something horrid
eXx1l3d because I haven't been here for a while and I've become more of a Touhou meatstick, and it's all your fault.
eXx1l3d for being online right now
eXx1l3d because jason won't die
eXx1l3d for mentioning that ugly prick
eXx1l3d for language D:<

jammz Wrote: [ -> ]
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]EXxe1l3d for no Hentai!

eXx1l3d for making me remember something horrid

Also eXx1l3d for tentacles
eXx1l3d for mentioning tentacles
eXx1l3d for not mentioning Tentacools or Tentacruels
eXx1l3d for talking about octopuses
eXx1l3d for not using the correct plural - Octopodes (and it's not Octopi, technically) Madwin
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