Endless Paradigm

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eXx1l3d for not liking arguments.
eXx1l3d for liking arguments too much
eXx1l3d because I'm in a banning mood tonight
eXx1l3d because I'm always in a banning mood, it's fun...

Throw at me what you can MUHAHAHAHAHA Madwin
eXx1l3d because I'm bored
eXx1l3d for being bored.
eXx1l3d because i can't concentrate on what I'm doing
eXx1l3d for not being able to concentrate :P
Everyone between this post and my last post are eXx1l3d to the extreme, for lack of creativity with their reasons :p
eXx1l3d for forcing me to be creative with my reasons D:<
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