Endless Paradigm

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eXx1l3d cause you eXx1l3d a Londoner. @ u_c

eXx1l3d for spelling Super Saiyan wrong!!!! @ andrewcc
eXx1l3d cause you spelt hacker wrong.
[Image: welsh_flag.png?t=1204998583]

eXx1l3d cause you dnt know how to fucking get around the word filter.
eXx1l3d 'cause you won't tell me
eXx1l3d for the above comment.
eXx1l3d for bickering
eXx1l3d for thinking hacks=drama
eXx1l3d for being in another world
andrewcc Wrote:eXx1l3d for being in another world

eXx1l3d for using a used reason.
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