Endless Paradigm

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u_c_taker Wrote:for rocking everyone one

for taking all the uc's Smokingg
but i have to take em lol
eXx1l3d cause i m not so bored today
eXx1l3d because Chuck Norris wants.
brady4mvp Wrote:eXx1l3d because Chuck Norris wants.

eXx1l3d because hes from the brady bunch
eXx1l3d for baning already eXx1l3d people
andrewcc Wrote:eXx1l3d for baning already eXx1l3d people

eXx1l3d for adding an unneeded cc to his name Smokingg
eXx1l3d because of that cool vector you did.
ExBu Wrote:eXx1l3d because of that cool vector you did.

eXx1l3d for exiting bu >.<
eXx1l3d for being born on 30th Jul 2007
ExBu Wrote:eXx1l3d for being born on 30th Jul 2007

eXx1l3d for being on the jury >.<
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