Endless Paradigm

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downloading worthless stuff with 2.8MBps, that's like 22mbps. fast.
just checkin if im allowed 2 post again! :P
on my way home from school -- bored

macbook@low battery, spoon
at least you have a macbook . . . . I have a PSP. .  .that's about it. oh and a new 2gb flashdrive.
i got my macbook for my bday cause everyone in the school needs one this year. pretty cool eh XD though it is actually heavy to drag around all day every day
well yeah that's cool . . my brother has one but he doesn't really complain so I don't know. . . . im gonna get a laptop in 2 and 1/2 years! YAY. . . .its a deal with my parents. . .onceI graduate high school i get one.
^ Lucky lucky... >_>
I have a core duo laptop! Mwaha.

using it now. :P
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