Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm bored list
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now to upload my wallpapers to the wallpapers thread.
i am bored again today n tensed a little as well
im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored
Not bored

installing games onto my ps2 hdd :great:
im so bored im thinking of sticking this thread n then locking it n then unlocking it n unsticking it
lol am i bored or what
im bored i can't do spoon cause my brother has this girl sleep over in the room where i left my laptop so i can't get it

so now im hijacking my moms pc but theres nothing to do
im bored so ima take a shower,.. and sleep.. yeah.. ok night.
i think i just heard someone wake up

or not

maybe ill go harass my mom whos in the kitchen trying to bake something
and hates to be bothered

on the other hand
i could also
damn im so bored i can't think of spoon
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