Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm bored list
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So bored, that I can't even sleep:)
Meh, I'm still bored, but At least I'm doing something Semi-Productive. :L

 Can anyone else see my posts in the Want to increase your derp size:)? Thread? I can't...
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]* Razgriz375 is killed by Vacui_Natale's boredum

Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]
 Can anyone else see my posts in the Want to increase your derp size:)? Thread? I can't...
I can't either:)
I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]
 Can anyone else see my posts in the Want to increase your derp size:)? Thread? I can't...
I can't either:)

There's some spoon going down, you'll have to wait for Syfe to post and save the day
masturbating won't help this boredom
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]
I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]
 Can anyone else see my posts in the Want to increase your derp size:)? Thread? I can't...
I can't either:)

There's some spoon going down, you'll have to wait for Syfe to post and save the day
Oh, ok:)
But, I'm still bored:)
go fudge GUCCI? =/
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