Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm bored list
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Lunar Wrote:I have one hour before class...ga-ga-gauu~♥

Don't go to Amsterdam,..

Vegetano1 Wrote:
Lunar Wrote:I have one hour before class...ga-ga-gauu~♥

Don't go to Amsterdam,..


Okay i won't. Moon
Lunar Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:
Lunar Wrote:I have one hour before class...ga-ga-gauu~♥

Don't go to Amsterdam,..


Okay i won't. Moon

(÷[s@m Wrote:÷)]

I'm boreder.
Just slightly bored...
boored, not bored.
the boredom!!! Whyowhy
Just got out of class, now I'm on break again until 2. Boredom strikes yet again.
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got bored... decided to look at ascii art...

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