Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm bored list
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shoutbox is not gone its at the bottom of the page compukid
yeah use that thing on the right hand side of the page its called a scroll bar,  lol
lol im not bored today yet
yoyo i got an idea for a new section how about wee start a review section 4 psp games n maybe other consoles n the people who review it can give their comments n score n 3 or 4 reviews can be combined to give a score for that particular game
ok im closing this thread n may open it again in a while if i want to
Im bored so im gonna movie this thread to admin forum so nobody can use it.
im bored
got to go to school
why is this thread closed?
YoYoBallz Wrote:Im bored so im gonna movie this thread to admin forum so nobody can use it.

So there's an admin forum now...

Anyways. IMO this is like the most pointless thread...
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