Endless Paradigm

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Sparker Wrote:boooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddd
i wish i was JUST bored

No, I'm bored and doing homework. Homework that could make it so I can graduate on time. Homework that's due tomorrow. Did I mention it's 2:30 AM?
im so bored
sparker i positively agree with u lol
too short
lol sPa/\/\
im so bored
Why is this called art???
MICk3Y Wrote:
Why is this called art???

for ascii art,

,od8888bn. ,.od88bo,
d8P´ `*88bn. , `Y8b
88´ `*888b. `D8
Y8b ,`*Y8bn. ,d8P
`*Y8bn,. · `*+88888P*´

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from http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/pics/ascii/j...Stark.html and http://www.roysac.com/tutorial/asciiarttutorial.asp
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