Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm bored list
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Bored because sparkito and I never hang out and have fun anymore
gahhhhhhh , overly bored ... I actually woke up early on a saturday for the first time T_T
[Image: Ping-Pong.gif]
MehHakker Wrote:SUSHIIIIII!!!!! YAYYYYYYY!!!
Haha , hai mehhakker Hiding_something
[Image: lol_wut.jpg]
[Image: divinelolwut.jpg]
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I use to pwn this thread daily!  Oh the good ol days
dot dot dot
Bored because I have some half-assed version of Sonic Unleashed and the PS3 one is taking forever to be released.
Oh well once it comes it will almost feel like I never had to go through this waiting.
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