Endless Paradigm

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* YoYoBallz is bored, so he listens to Blink-182
?????????/ confused

m2 what is ajax quick reply
Sites boring here tonight
Boring you say?

Wee managed to have a debate about religion in the shoutbox without it turning into a flame war,

Now that has got to be a first,
lol, . ..  im almost bored ALL the time. . . .. .
and yeah that has to be a first. . . .
boredom leads to discoveries. i found out how to access anyones files and how to add morning notices (which are read by everyone) at school.
want to teach me??

and yeah I agree . . I actually cracked my brother and sisters account passwords on my PC ^_^!
use a damn key loger u can even know what they type n all their passwords
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