10/10/2009, 08:37 PM
11/10/2009, 04:35 AM
what? WHAT?
i see a fanboy. you might think the following is fanboyish but no this is typical story of somebody who owns both consoles.
things i know about each console is... hm. how should present this... these are known facts by anybody who owns both types of the console.
PS3 has more access to disc based media than X360 (Blu-ray/DVD/CD)
PS3 has built in wireless and free online useage (so you don't have to pay extra)
it has a Web browser (its a decent one)
Easy Access Console Menu (i found the menu system hard to move about on the x360)
so how does the x360 have more features than the ps3? do your research before trying to say something is better. oh sure the X360 has more games, but have you counted how many discs you now have lying about your floor or on your TV?
not quite. how many of us have extra Ethernet cables lying around anymore? it might be cheaper to get the base console. one system, one controller and your good to go. oh wait wheres my online? what do you mean i have to buy the Wireless or a Ethernet cable? didn't it come with wireless? (few hours later while you ran to the store to buy your choice of networking)
Yeah that one isn't going to make your mother/father happy when you go to them and ask them to reset your xbox live account becasue you couldn't play with your friends.
ok say after getting xbox live and making sure you got a fancy new shooter game. you decide right away to go into a multiplayer and decide that your good enough to cause some hurt to some unskilled fool. however when you get your butt handed to you by somebody who's better their voice cracks upon your speakers "GET A BETTER GUN NOOB" or "OMG GO PLAY WITH YOUR BARBIES BECAUSE YOU SUCK YOU F***ing NOOB!"
I'm not saying the last one doesn't happen with PS3 owners either but this is a matter of noticing things. and you look at people who have cams of multiplayer games online or you play people with this attitude, where they make one kill or get killed its okay to scream at you becasue of they did / or failed to do.
in short its basically its what you want to go with. i told that to somebody and they choose a system (not going to say which one) that they felt like it was going to do them a lot of good.
jannepomucen01 Wrote:Hi,
According to me Xbox360 is better for u,
compare to PS3... Xbox360 is better and it has many more features.
i am going with Xbox360..
i see a fanboy. you might think the following is fanboyish but no this is typical story of somebody who owns both consoles.
things i know about each console is... hm. how should present this... these are known facts by anybody who owns both types of the console.
PS3 has more access to disc based media than X360 (Blu-ray/DVD/CD)
PS3 has built in wireless and free online useage (so you don't have to pay extra)
it has a Web browser (its a decent one)
Easy Access Console Menu (i found the menu system hard to move about on the x360)
so how does the x360 have more features than the ps3? do your research before trying to say something is better. oh sure the X360 has more games, but have you counted how many discs you now have lying about your floor or on your TV?
sambound Wrote:+cheaper
not quite. how many of us have extra Ethernet cables lying around anymore? it might be cheaper to get the base console. one system, one controller and your good to go. oh wait wheres my online? what do you mean i have to buy the Wireless or a Ethernet cable? didn't it come with wireless? (few hours later while you ran to the store to buy your choice of networking)
Quote:-Pay to use online
Yeah that one isn't going to make your mother/father happy when you go to them and ask them to reset your xbox live account becasue you couldn't play with your friends.
Quote:+most people online
ok say after getting xbox live and making sure you got a fancy new shooter game. you decide right away to go into a multiplayer and decide that your good enough to cause some hurt to some unskilled fool. however when you get your butt handed to you by somebody who's better their voice cracks upon your speakers "GET A BETTER GUN NOOB" or "OMG GO PLAY WITH YOUR BARBIES BECAUSE YOU SUCK YOU F***ing NOOB!"
I'm not saying the last one doesn't happen with PS3 owners either but this is a matter of noticing things. and you look at people who have cams of multiplayer games online or you play people with this attitude, where they make one kill or get killed its okay to scream at you becasue of they did / or failed to do.
in short its basically its what you want to go with. i told that to somebody and they choose a system (not going to say which one) that they felt like it was going to do them a lot of good.
11/10/2009, 05:21 AM
Syfe Wrote:jannepomucen01 Wrote:Hi,i see a fanboy.
According to me Xbox360 is better for u,
compare to PS3... Xbox360 is better and it has many more features.
i am going with Xbox360..
A very obvious fanboy.
Syfe Wrote:you might think the following is fanboyish but no this is typical story of somebody who owns both consoles.
No, you're obviously PS3 biased, seriously, read your whole post again...
And before anyone says anything (eg. no you a 360 fanboi for countering his claims!!), I don't own either consoles, and if you read my past posts in this thread, I dislike consoles as a whole, so I'm completely neutral between either consoles.
Syfe Wrote:oh sure the X360 has more games, but have you counted how many discs you now have lying about your floor or on your TV?
That would depend on his tastes. Just because you like PS3 games better (I can easily see you're the RPG type of person) doesn't mean he does. What if he loves his FPS'?
Syfe Wrote:sambound Wrote:+cheaper
not quite. how many of us have extra Ethernet cables lying around anymore? it might be cheaper to get the base console. one system, one controller and your good to go. oh wait wheres my online? what do you mean i have to buy the Wireless or a Ethernet cable? didn't it come with wireless? (few hours later while you ran to the store to buy your choice of networking)
It costs you $5 at most to get an ethernet cable, big whoop. (If it costed you any more, you got ripped, go to a better store). And I think quite a lot of people should have a spare ethernet cable, either from the past days or still using it.
Syfe Wrote:Quote:+most people onlineok say after getting xbox live and making sure you got a fancy new shooter game. you decide right away to go into a multiplayer and decide that your good enough to cause some hurt to some unskilled fool. however when you get your butt handed to you by somebody who's better their voice cracks upon your speakers "GET A BETTER GUN NOOB" or "OMG GO PLAY WITH YOUR BARBIES BECAUSE YOU SUCK YOU F***ing NOOB!"
I'm not saying the last one doesn't happen with PS3 owners either but this is a matter of noticing things. and you look at people who have cams of multiplayer games online or you play people with this attitude, where they make one kill or get killed its okay to scream at you becasue of they did / or failed to do.
That's the users, nothing to do with the consoles. Or are you saying all PS3 users are all good and nice to each other, while X260 users are all elitist bastards? No, I think it has more to do with fanboyism.
11/10/2009, 07:20 AM
I really shouldn't come down to features/specs. The only features that matter are that they play games and can play said games online. It's what you'd buy a "gaming console" for. Then each game is only as "realistic" as the developers make it. There are plenty of 360 games that look a hell of a lot better than many PS3 games, and vice versa. If your friends have PS3s and/or there are more exclusives on the PS3 you want, get a PS3. If it's the other way around with the 360, get a 360. I own a 360, but I occasionally play my friend's PS3. LBP is always a blast and I managed to blaze through much of inFamous. Most games are on both consoles, so it doesn't even make that big of a difference. None of my other friends have PS3s, though. Plus it only has a few exclusives I'd want to play, so for me the PS3 is a no-go.
And when you consider price, think about how much money you'll probably invest in individual games. I'm looking at 20 $60 games right now. The difference in overall prices between the consoles now looks rather insignificant.
And when you consider price, think about how much money you'll probably invest in individual games. I'm looking at 20 $60 games right now. The difference in overall prices between the consoles now looks rather insignificant.
11/10/2009, 09:30 AM
wait, so people who like FPS games should buy a 360?
they both get call of duty, which is a great FPS
xbox 360 has halo, which is great with some friends but call of duty is better in my opinion
resistance 2 is kind of like the ps3's version of halo anyway
but theres no other notable FPS games on the 360 other than halo
they both get call of duty, which is a great FPS
xbox 360 has halo, which is great with some friends but call of duty is better in my opinion
resistance 2 is kind of like the ps3's version of halo anyway
but theres no other notable FPS games on the 360 other than halo
11/10/2009, 01:32 PM
Quote:It costs you $5 at most to get an ethernet cable, big whoop.
have you gone to a home electrics or a computer shop recently? try like $30 or more pending on how much cable you need.
you should really read the last one better.
Quote:That would depend on his tastes. Just because you like PS3 games better (I can easily see you're the RPG type of person) doesn't mean he does. What if he loves his FPS'?
that's bull. theres like a equal of amount of each game on both consoles. so it really doesn't matter, yes i do see alot more shooters on x360 but you got to remember that microsoft also has rpgs on their console: (the games in which i name could be for both consoles) Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Star Ocean 4, Final Fantasy 13
and besides i have shooters on my ps3. notable ones include UT3, TC4, GTA4, MGS4, and Wolfenstein
Quote:No, you're obviously PS3 biased
Yes i do have a lot more games for ps3 then for my x360. in a possible ratio of 5:1 but that's not the point. if you brothered to read my last line is I'm saying to decide yourself what you want.
11/10/2009, 03:13 PM
Syfe Wrote:Quote:It costs you $5 at most to get an ethernet cable, big whoop.
have you gone to a home electrics or a computer shop recently? try like $30 or more pending on how much cable you need.
you should really read the last one better.
No, you should read better. If it costed you any more, you got ripped, go to a better store
Where I get it, I can get 5M for AUS$4. If you're spending US$30, you're getting ripped off, and that's not my problem. (unless you're trying to buy one 50M long or something, which is way more than you need).
Here's some US prices...
Similar to a question zinga once asked... would you really pay $30 for a network cable?
Syfe Wrote:Yes i do have a lot more games for ps3 then for my x360. in a possible ratio of 5:1 but that's not the point. if you brothered to read my last line is I'm saying to decide yourself what you want.
Syfe Wrote:oh sure the X360 has more games, but have you counted how many discs you now have lying about your floor or on your TV?
To me, that sounded like "X360 has more games, but PS3 has better games", under the tone and context of the paragraph (which was PS3 > X360).
11/10/2009, 03:35 PM
Syfe Wrote:not quite. how many of us have extra Ethernet cables lying around anymore? it might be cheaper to get the base console. one system, one controller and your good to go. oh wait wheres my online? what do you mean i have to buy the Wireless or a Ethernet cable? didn't it come with wireless? (few hours later while you ran to the store to buy your choice of networking)
Xbox 360s come with Ethernet cables.
11/10/2009, 04:55 PM
why argue over an ethernet cable :s if your gonna argue about something, someone else raised a very good point that people forget - the price of the games themselves have a disparity meaning that games on the ps3 generally are higher than for the same game on the 360 and that's simply because of blu ray. argue about that. :P or you could go into the 360 hdds are not upgradeable (well they are but its bloody difficult) or you could cover the variety of 360 system packs available and compare it to the single spec ps3 (just with slight revisions but all are 100% compatible with all games). plenty to argue about :)
11/10/2009, 05:22 PM
i just say that i prefer the ps3 to the xbox simply because im used to it... ive never had/used any xbox 1 or 360.. i had both a ps1 and a ps2 so i just got the next prgression of it... im used to the contoller already and its just what i wanted.. i have nothing against the xbox what so ever...