Rukia Wrote:Ps3
region free games? < bluray
Web browser
+ media player 60gb 120gb hd
chocolatety small hd that holds nothing but game updates
gay avatar's
gay xbox scores
Dvd < and region locked games
+ annoying updates + chocolatety subsriction cost's
+ rrod
+ ugly
+ Cheap
+ 12 yrs old own xbox's
Blu-ray's can be region-locked, but they don't have to be. At least with Blu-ray regions Japan and US are in the same region, and Europe is in another region. DVD games are almost always region-locked, in which their region locks usually only work in about 1 or 2 countries.
Well, more mother's of 12-year-olds can afford a PS3 now that it costs less, and therefore would have the same amount as a 360. That sort of thing is inevitable.
Xbox 360 Elite (same price as PS3 Slim) actually has the same hard drive space as a PS3 Slim (120GB), I believe. However, you can't replace the hard drive like you can on a PS3.
As I stated before, RRoD's on the 360 have significantly decreased now (it's a rare occurrence now).
I'm more of a PS3 person myself (I don't have any current-gen console, though), but I don't like bias.
feinicks Wrote:But on the other hand, XBL is way better than the free PSN.
Well, the XBL servers are less likely to crash/slowdown than the PSN servers. Obviously, you pay for it, so it should be. If you get something for free like the PSN, it's not gonna be perfect, but it's still free.
Unfortunately, though, Microsoft has been known to ban XBL accounts for ANY modding/hacking of their console, such as replacing the fan.
feinicks Wrote:This thread has lost it significance.....
No kidding, lol. I was giving my unbiased view on it, and everyone else was full of bias. I don't think it should be highjacked yet, watching the fanboys/fangirls of each console is entertaining.