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first of all the main reason why flashing doesn't seem to work properly is because the recovery of 3.71M33(including 3.60M33 slim)
has a bug probably 'caused by a porting error or being loaded in vsh mode.

i recommend using the extended pandora menu with usb flash access.
The new 3.71 update 2 fixes the Recovery bug and allows safe flashing once again

another thing of 3.71 is that they splited topmenu_plugin.rco into
topmenu_icon.rco which holds the icons and
topmenu_plugin.rco which holds the page/text resources.

now the tricky thing.
zlibed mig/gim icons aren't supported anymore in topmenu_icon.rco
but uncompressed still are (wth...)

@ZiNgA BuRgA
i guess your RCOEdit needs an update ;)

below example theme is by Vegetano1
however the conversion is very uncomplete as it has the only purpose to show that 3.71M33 is as customizable as 3.52M33.
Note: don't edit the topmenu_icon.rco ...

pspfiler has been reported not to work,
however if you want to test be sure you have a pandora battery!

Decompressed 3.71 RCOs
Zinga's post on the hacked 3.71 RCO editor and download
Nice job! some how i knew you would figure it out :P
cool, now i might consider upgrading.
I dunno I'm going back to 3.52 M33 untill 1.50 kernel patch and more themes.
bstronga Wrote:now the tricky thing.
zlibed mig/gim icons aren't supported anymore in topmenu_icon.rco
but uncompressed still are (wth...)

@ZiNgA BuRgA
i guess your RCOEdit needs an update ;)
Kinda no point...

Uncompressed images are HUGE.
Let's see, image data: 64x64 × 1 = 4KB, pallete = 256×4 = 1KB, then wee have 0x40 GIM header, plus 0x40 pallete header + 0x40 data header.
Total size for one 64x64 icon = 5312 bytes.
A topmenu_plugin.rco will be over half a MB...

bstronga Wrote:below example theme is by Vegetano1
however the conversion is very uncomplete as it has the only purpose to show that 3.71M33 is as customizable as 3.52M33.
Note: don't edit the topmenu_icon.rco ...
Haven't checked, but what was changed?
EDIT: ???  From what it seems here, you did edit the topmenu_icon.rco... Erk
bstronga proofed that custom theme's is posible,.. but don't be stupid like me,.. well it was kinda late ,.. 2:45 am,.. lol

Okee last night i was a little stupid and flashed the topmenu_icon.rco and the vshmain and paf.prx into flash0 using the recovery,..
Well stupid i dunno because that same day i did some testing and was able to flasht custom topmenu_icon.rco and also a the backup topmenu_icon.rco,.
But this don't work for prx files,. so i am stuck with a psp slim semi brick,.. i can go into recovery but that it,..
I just have to wait for unbricker,.
If you can go into recovery menu, can't you just restore your old PRXs?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:If you can go into recovery menu, can't you just restore your old PRXs?

That's so weird when i did the testing for you could restore the topmenu_icon.rco's but i can't flash the prx files from backup flash0

Or do you mean something else with restore prx!?
nice! thanks for figuring it out.
and oh noes! ZInga needs to update RCO editor!
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