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I have no luck with Recovery flashing

I use the panda to flash
Ok, thanks for the quick reply. :)
Did I mention ZB rules??? :D (w00t)
bstronga Wrote:nah, search/replace function does the thing in matter of seconds ;p

I guess I'm scared that it can cause corruption, but if you select a range, I guess it's all good :)
you can use pandora to flash or you can use the other method just rediscovered.
take a recovery.prx from 3.52 or 3.40 and convert it to a pbp (eboot.pbp) then simply use it like an application. a few things won't work but the important one - flash0 usb access - does. true its a little more work than an already made flashing app but this adds a personal touch because you have to make it yourself.
I`ve converted all 3.52 stuff including menu click sounds, waves, battery and busy icons, 01-12.bmp ect.

All works great!

cept for infobars, probly due to common_gui.prx.

Is there a common_gui.prx from bstronga for 3.71?
^^^^^^nope not yet,. as stated"lazyness" Erk ;P (sony changed commengui.prx,..)

What 3.71 rco's did you use ,.!?
I used the ones from ZB.


Man.. all I need is the infobar to be done with this theme conversion lol...
MaDc0w Wrote:I used the ones from ZB.


Man.. all I need is the infobar to be done with this theme conversion lol...

Well lot of changes in the info bar the hardcoded button "start" behind slideshow, the extra infobar in the theme selection menu,. etc etc,.

got to start updating my theme,..
Anger Wrote:you can use pandora to flash or you can use the other method just rediscovered.
take a recovery.prx from 3.52 or 3.40 and convert it to a pbp (eboot.pbp) then simply use it like an application. a few things won't work but the important one - flash0 usb access - does. true its a little more work than an already made flashing app but this adds a personal touch because you have to make it yourself.

do you have a tut or something that teaches us to do that?
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