Endless Paradigm

Full Version: About 3.71M33 Customization
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Here is what I've managed so far...

Not much just changed colors in PAF, changed topmenu size and added reboot prx.

[Image: screenshot001bc7.png]
i wonder if that liquid theme works on 3.71?
ephumuris Wrote:Here is what I've managed so far...

YOu did that on the slim or the fat??
SchmilK Wrote:
ephumuris Wrote:Here is what I've managed so far...

YOu did that on the slim or the fat??

On the FAT. Havn't got a slim. Yet.


This is fun!

[Image: screenshot001ea4.png]
bstronga Wrote:
matchung Wrote:bstronga, what is the purpose of prx's (vsh/paf)?

with/without prx seem working same.

ehh good question ;p
font color, scrolling speeds and icon spacings.
:yes: not aware that =..="
oooh the pink paradise :D lookin nice.

I don't understand why sony had boxes in the wallpaper in the preview of the sony official themes but not in the official wallpaper.
im probrably gonna update tomorrow but I won't customize anything since Im lazy to make Pandora and people say you can't flash without pandora
SchmilK Wrote:i don't think the port of psfiler is owrking.  it won't make a flash0/1 backup. and when i take any .jpg/gif/bmp/zip of sizes between 20kb-»2mb it says the disk is full and can't be written.

It's not working. Lotta full brick corruption just like using the recovery...

Guess I should go back to 3.52-4 to create the extended boot menu...
My brain is smoking...

Can wee still use rcotool to decompress 3.71 rcos and use cxmb to load them or do they have to be recompressed?

And as gsmoke asked before - How are the gims decompressed? I also can't find anything in the rcos?

Damn u Sony!
i think everything now are in the ptf's. . .
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