Endless Paradigm

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gsmoke Wrote:
matchung Wrote:few more steps to archieve...

cool , you can see all the icons Matchung ?

I have the PRX for this theme ready , you want to test them ?

it sound fine...:yipi:
MaDc0w Wrote:for RCOEdit37xHack.exe you need RCOEdit37xHack.ini


Okee i was so stupid to use my old shortcut,.. but now i have rcoedit hack to work and i have the ini file for rcoedithack,..

I have not been able to add a new icon, well i have but it does not get a lable,.. it only says [mig]
And it was after clicking on yes with the warning this feature is not ready yet,..
it crashed with error 53 when replace single... =.=

pending for prx +.+
the error 53 is annoyin lol

as long as the replace multiple works...

Nice looking!
matchung Wrote:it crashed with error 53 when replace single... =.=

pending for prx +.+

Dude can you pm me the paf.prx I can't seem to lower the icons.... I have the rest working. Not all icons work. Do you have the same prob..
Vibestar Wrote:
matchung Wrote:it crashed with error 53 when replace single... =.=

pending for prx +.+

Dude can you pm me the paf.prx I can't seem to lower the icons.... I have the rest working. Not all icons work. Do you have the same prob..
it seems change to vshmain.... i think gsmoke can help cause he made the modification on paf/vshmain
Quote:Gsmoke Edit :

Offsets Vshmain 3.71 :

41534 ---- Clock Y position
3CF6C ---- X  position of the XMB  
3CFA0 ---- X position of the XMB in infobar
4151C ---- Y Position of the hold icon - ?
41520 ---- Y Position of the hold icon shadow - ?
4153C ---- X Position of mute icon
4152C ---- Y Position of mute icon
41544 ---- X position of clock
41540 ---- X position of clock + battery icon
3F75C ---- Y Position of the Network icon when unfocused
3CF60 ---- Alpha channel of the focused main icon -  ?
3CF68 ---- Alpha channel of highlighted text
3CF24 ---- Alpha channel of all main icons
4157C ---- Speed of busy icon
40EB0 ---- First offset for fonts colors
40D60 ---- First offset for infobars colors

Found By MiniPoh

3.71 vshmain.prx
0x4092C > Focused main icon position
0x40938 > Unfocused main icons position - doesn't work on Network icon -
0x4093C > Unfocused Network icon position
nice working matchung!
circa dome too ;)
[Image: applecorciradome371xu8.jpg]
Where's the upload matchung :P
nice, very nice! :yipi:

can't wait to try this out when i have unbricked. by the way, i gues its totally safe to flash these files using recovery on the slim? cause im not sure since i manage to brick it by flashing a prx that was converted for 3.71 M33. it worked for the one who made it but not for me. Erk
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