Endless Paradigm

Full Version: K-ON! (けいおん!), Lucky Star & K-ON!! (けいおん!!)
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[Image: gd9au.jpg]
Who would you have if it couldn't be Mio, proper?
Azusa (guess).
Ui (Other guess)
Its a difficult question...

It'd be either Azusa or Tsumugi

let me get back to you
Azusa, she's got the shyness i like and is verrrrrrryy cute

also, mugi is a lesbian anyway :P
Yay, I guessed right!
You should expect it to be inferior to the first if you follow the general trend.
However, being slice of life, I'd expect it to be mostly similar to first season if they can fit in some "exciting" events.
*dances around his room* OH HAPPY DAY! Inluv
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