game_plugin offsets...
There's a crapload of 200's in there

I still went through most of them but I seem to have skipped the unfocus speed of the game's pic1 but it's in there somewhere just set all 200 values to something like 800 and you have instant smooth scrolling through the game sub section.
0x528= x position folder icon after folder exit -94
0x470= x position game icon in enter -148
0x410= x position game icon in infobar -168
0x200= x position folder icon in game infomenu -144
0x3B0= x position game folder icon in infobar -144
0x328= x position game icon after infobar -148
0x268= x position folder icon after infobar -94
0x374= x position folder icon while inside folder -265
0x3CC= x position folder icon while inside folder infobar -285
0x438= x position folder icon in enter -94
0x2F8= x position folder icon while inside folder after infobar -265
0x1C4= Icon0 space from left side (positive moves left and negative moves right) -168
0x1A4= y position game icon in infomenu (when games in folder) 85
0x1A8= x position game icon in infomenu (when games in folder)-80
0x300= x position game icon after infobar (when games in folder) -148
0x1CC= y position game icon in infomenu 85
0x1D0= x position game icon in infomenu -80
0x3E4= alpha unfocused game icons in infobar 0.5
0x48C= alpha unfocused game icons in infobar (after exit of infomenu)
0x3A0= alpha unfocused folder icons in infobar 0.5
0x1F0= speed of folder icon back to position after exit infomenu 200
0x1F8= speed of folder icon to infomenu position 200
0x1E0= speed of main icons alpha returning from infomenu 200
0x1DC= speed of folder icons alpha returning from infomenu 200
0x45C= speed of game icon focus on to screen 200
0x464= speed of game icon scroll on to screen 200
0x3A8= speed of folder icon move when entering infobar 200
0x3EC= speed of game icon move when entering infobar 200
0x42C= speed of folder icon scroll in 200
0x384= speed of game icon scroll in (in folders)
0x380= speed of game icon focus on to screen (in folders)
0x31C= speed of game icon scroll in after infobar 200
0x260= speed of folder icon scroll in after infobar 200
0x244= unfocus speed of main icon when entering infomenu (when games grouped in folders) 200
0x240= unfocus speed of folder title and info when entering infomenu (when grouped in folders) 200
0x210= unfocus speed of unfocused folder icons when entering infomenu 200
0x1B0= speed of game icon shrink when entering infomenu 200
0x1B4= speed of game icon move into position (infomenu) 200
0x1B8= unfocus speed of unfocused game icons when entering infomenu 200
0x18C= speed of game icon into position after infomenu exit 200
0x184= speed of game icon return to regular size exiting infomenu 200
0x178= speed of unfocused game icons return to screen 200
If using patpat's prxeditor just download the txt file below and change the extension to .ini and just pop it into the bookmarks folder.