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Full Version: [RELEASE] CTFtool GUI v5 beta2
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yup, based on all these recent conversions.
How Come When I convert Any OSK_Plugin Half The Pictures Arent Changed?
Cool! v5beta Madwin
the cxmb plugin 3.71-6.35 works on 5.03 GEN-C, I've tested it
Is it just me or is this not compiling 6.20 .CTF correctly ?

I edited 6.20 topmenu_icon, and made a quick ptf, then packed to 620 CTF and none of the custom icons show ?

I know for a fact that CXMB is working right...  All my other .CTF are working fine.  And when I decompile a working 6.20 CTF, then recompile it, it no longer shows the icons.  So it must be a bug with CTF GUI v5 BETA.

Someone please respond if you have any info, cause this is really pi$$ing me off !    :/

EDIT:  Ok, I added a edited vsh.prx and now when i compile, the custom icons are showing up?  :hmm:

Weird that when I only compiled a 6.20 ctf with only
-of course a .ptf

none of my alterations showed in XMB ?
I'll continue to look into this, and post any relevant findings...

EDIT #2:  I uploaded the .CTF that was not showing any custom icons.  Maybe Zinga, patpat, or V1 will know what the issue is when they get the time to look at it.
That's is weird,..

I am not sure but each ctf needs to have commengui, paf and vshmain in order to get a 100% working ctf??
beta2 updateKnock-knock
Thanks man! new upgrades!
Hell yeah!

Thanks patpat!
nice,, didn't know that patpat has already updated this Yay

i failed badly at converting to 6.38  Facepalm

i hope you'd also make a new theme :P
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