Great update thanks patpat.
I guess since vegetano's posting offsets here I might as well post my findings here as well. Some of the descriptions might not make sense, but you'll should be able to figure out what they mean.
0x7C="Triangle Options" message y position -127
0x80="O Back" message y position -127
0x84="X Enter" message y position -127
0x88="Square" message y position? -127
0x94="button options" space from right side 7
0x98="Triangle Options" space from left side (also moves all options left 0-) 235
0x9C=space between x-enter and o-back 20
0xA0=space from right side "x-enter and o-back"-220
0xA4=moves "triangle options" right (values = 29-129) 29
0xA8=space from left side "x enter"-49
0x118=classic wave size (decrease value to enlarge) 236
0x108=classic wave size 236
0x11C=Alpha selected text until enter and exit game sub-category 1
0x110=classic wave stretch (decrease value = flat waves) (increse value = "squashes wave") 480
0x10C=classic wave y size (do opposite) 272
0x1D0=y position folder/memory stick icon information screen 85
0x1D4=x position folder/memory stick icon in information screen -80
0x2210=y size "zoom" of xmb items 480
0x220C=x size "zoom" of xmb items 272
0x2208=size of the entire xmb 500
0x2218=size of entire xmb (increase to decrease) 500
0x2250=x position detail "right column" (infomenu, system info, etc..) 5
0x2254=x position title "left column" (infomenu, system info, etc..) -5
0x21F4=R? "extra" text (non media) (clock, usb mode, x-enter, o-back, etc..) 1
0x21F8=G? "extra" text (non media) (clock, usb mode, x-enter, o-back, etc..) 1
0x21FC=B? "extra" text (non media) (clock, usb mode, x-enter, o-back, etc..) 1
0x1F48=changing value to -50 changes the black theme color to red 255
0x1C=wave size (boot up) 236
0x2C=wave size (boot up) spread (increase value = smaller wave (do opposite)) 236
0x68=gameboot alpha 500
0x3C=y size volume bar 20
0x30=y size volume dot 20
0x28=?? changing value distorts volume dot 1
0x34=volume bar count 1
0x0=volume up/down speeed 33.3333