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Dmise Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]commengui.prx

error screen, theme select "are you sure" screen etc etc,..
[Image: screenshot033.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-5.png]

also all "20" value's are space between infobar text y ;)

also patpat if you can check this?? i change this in vshmain but when making ?ctf? and using ?cxmb? nothing happens>? >>(see last post)>> http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...908&page=3

bluetooth and deleted paused game, aren't influenced by these offsets. :/

[Image: dne1q.png]

Searched quite a few offsets already for these values and none seem to have them. The ones that do don't change anything. Will continue to look. Specky

those are are RGB value's in topmenu_plugin.rco,. Yay
<Plane name="wallpaper_theme_cover" posX="0" posY="0" posZ="0" redScale="0.6" greenScale="0.62" blueScale="0.7" alphaScale="0.85" width="480" height="272" depth="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" scaleDepth="1" iconOffset="0x0" onInit="nothing" image="nothing" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
RCOMAGE!!!!!!! thanks for the heads up vegetano!
CTFtool GUI v4.5 update

big update!! Madwin thanks!
Thank u patpat!
next update >> "import hbk+previous ctftoolgui bookmarks" ;p

the result of a good prx  editor :)

always wanted this offset Adore

there is some other value's there but i only need this,. mebbe text color dunno
[Image: 25hokgi.png]

the offset is for all infobars,. there are some similar value's under there mebbe different language,. advice > change them also ;)
[Image: 2cmnosh.jpg]
Great update thanks patpat.

I guess since vegetano's posting offsets here I might as well post my findings here as well. Some of the descriptions might not make sense, but you'll should be able to figure out what they mean. Madwin

0x7C="Triangle Options" message y position -127
0x80="O Back" message y position -127
0x84="X Enter" message y position -127
0x88="Square" message y position? -127
0x94="button options" space from right side 7
0x98="Triangle Options" space from left side (also moves all options left 0-) 235
0x9C=space between x-enter and o-back 20
0xA0=space from right side "x-enter and o-back"-220
0xA4=moves "triangle options" right (values = 29-129) 29
0xA8=space from left side "x enter"-49
0x118=classic wave size (decrease value to enlarge) 236
0x108=classic wave size 236
0x11C=Alpha selected text until enter and exit game sub-category 1
0x110=classic wave stretch (decrease value = flat waves) (increse value = "squashes wave") 480
0x10C=classic wave y size (do opposite) 272
0x1D0=y position folder/memory stick icon information screen 85
0x1D4=x position folder/memory stick icon in information screen -80

0x2210=y size "zoom" of xmb items 480
0x220C=x size "zoom" of xmb items 272
0x2208=size of the entire xmb 500
0x2218=size of entire xmb (increase to decrease) 500
0x2250=x position detail "right column" (infomenu, system info, etc..) 5
0x2254=x position title "left column" (infomenu, system info, etc..) -5          
0x21F4=R? "extra" text (non media) (clock, usb mode, x-enter, o-back, etc..) 1            
0x21F8=G? "extra" text (non media) (clock, usb mode, x-enter, o-back, etc..) 1
0x21FC=B? "extra" text (non media) (clock, usb mode, x-enter, o-back, etc..) 1
0x1F48=changing value to -50 changes the black theme color to red 255

0x1C=wave size (boot up) 236
0x2C=wave size (boot up) spread (increase value = smaller wave (do opposite)) 236
0x68=gameboot alpha 500

0x3C=y size volume bar 20
0x30=y size volume dot 20
0x28=?? changing value distorts volume dot 1
0x34=volume bar count 1
0x0=volume up/down speeed 33.3333

[Image: 1wuEm.png]

[Image: ENcEf.png]
some more offsets,.

[Image: 2dahvfm.png]
[Image: 2iraseh.png]

video jump screen,. full screen ;p

[Image: ruv53q.jpg]
Yay, more 6.35 customisation!
Thanks for the Update,awesome :=)
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