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patpat Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]paf620
[Image: Untitled-2.png]

edit: found a strange bug in CTFtoolGui,. when i edit the 01-12 vaulue's,. set both 12>>30 after making CTF the value's are back to 30 again,..?? in vshmain 620,. O_o

CTFtool will fix 01-12.bmp size and pics count automatism, if your 01-12.bmp have 30 pics or more, than it will change value to 30, else will set 12
You can close this function here(fix 01-12 size)
[Image: v1.jpg]

aaaah ok,. nice! but now i changed the 30, 30 back to 12,12 and the block size is set to > "1796" instead of "6176" O_o anyway the 01-12 works fine though,.. :)
here is another new offset :) awesome tool to find new offsets Madwin
[Image: Untitled-3.png]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]here is another new offset :) awesome tool to find new offsets Madwin
[Image: Untitled-3.png]

Madwin Great work!

error screen, theme select "are you sure" screen etc etc,..
[Image: screenshot033.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-5.png]

also all "20" value's are space between infobar text y ;)

also patpat if you can check this?? i change this in vshmain but when making ?ctf? and using ?cxmb? nothing happens>? >>(see last post)>> http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...908&page=3
Nice offsets there vegetano.

@ patpat where would I be able to find the prxeditor program? My w7 pc fried up and now I'm on a computer with vista and for some reason ctftool doesn't seem to work the same on it. Would it be possible to get the editor by itself?
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]commengui.prx

error screen, theme select "are you sure" screen etc etc,..
[Image: screenshot033.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-5.png]

also all "20" value's are space between infobar text y ;)

also patpat if you can check this?? i change this in vshmain but when making ?ctf? and using ?cxmb? nothing happens>? >>(see last post)>> http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...908&page=3

Thanks the new offset againMadwin

I try to load the modified vshmain.prx using vshloader but nothing happen too, even change all to 0x00, maybe 6.20 would not uses those data.
Dmise Wrote: [ -> ]Nice offsets there vegetano.

@ patpat where would I be able to find the prxeditor program? My w7 pc fried up and now I'm on a computer with vista and for some reason ctftool doesn't seem to work the same on it. Would it be possible to get the editor by itself?

u can find it in CTFtool's \bin folder. :P

patpat Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]also patpat if you can check this?? i change this in vshmain but when making ?ctf? and using ?cxmb? nothing happens>? >>(see last post)>> http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...908&page=3

I try to load the modified vshmain.prx using vshloader but nothing happen too, even change all to 0x00, maybe 6.20 would not uses those data.
weird,. O_o,. now i can stop trying ;)
I found 6.35 Offsets

0x6D4=Text Position X Line Text 30
0x6F4=Text Position Y Line Text 4
0x710=Text Position Y Setting Option(part) 4

Can you understand this word?Sorry,my bad English XD
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]commengui.prx

error screen, theme select "are you sure" screen etc etc,..
[Image: screenshot033.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-5.png]

also all "20" value's are space between infobar text y ;)

also patpat if you can check this?? i change this in vshmain but when making ?ctf? and using ?cxmb? nothing happens>? >>(see last post)>> http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...908&page=3

bluetooth and deleted paused game, aren't influenced by these offsets. :/

[Image: dne1q.png]

Searched quite a few offsets already for these values and none seem to have them. The ones that do don't change anything. Will continue to look. Specky
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