Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] CTFtool GUI v5 beta2
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Great work patpat Drink
A masterpiece! Thanks for sharing! Yay
awesome! thanks bro patpat.
Great Update! I like the Convert wav to vag feature. Maybe I'll just explore new features when I'm not busy.

Thank you very much!!
Thanks for the new stuff but I still have problems like Vegetano1. The tool is really slow and sluggy. I've tried all your settings of running under Windows 7 and no luck.
shaqdarcy Wrote: [ -> ]Great Update! I like the Convert wav to vag feature. Maybe I'll just explore new features when I'm not busy.

Thank you very much!!

Did you read that after submitting it ?
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]nice! :)


-i have win7 x64 when using explorer add-on>> windows7 keeps opening explorer windows,.>?
-when i don't use explorer add-on the ctf tool window is still slow like in previous version :(
few seconds later window disapears,.<>?

well i'd still keep the beta version with my known hack but still cool patpat. you are awesome
your are a genius!
thank you for this wonderful programAdore
Nice work :)

patpat Wrote: [ -> ]* Subject conversion module into rcomage, rco support page data and anim data conversion (at a slower pace)
Something I actually always wanted, but GNU diff/patch wasn't up to snuff for it unfortunately; glad you got something though! :D
oh noooo! still the stupid floppy driver reading in 7 Whyowhy this is such an awesome update i wish i didn't have such a stupid problem! Whyowhy
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