29/11/2011, 06:36 AM
31/01/2012, 05:58 AM
Thanks for this one.
01/02/2012, 08:12 PM
Thanks "patpat" for this useful tool, thought I don't know how to use it yet. :P, but I do know it makes a lot of things on PSP themes. Can it really convert all themes to any versions? I have PSP3000 6.35
19/04/2012, 12:47 AM
Does anyone have an updated version of this that includes the ability to convert themes to 6.60? (I'm having a hard time doing a manual update myself)
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
19/04/2012, 01:52 AM
if the maker himself can't make an update because he has no data, i doubt that anyone else could
if the maker himself can't make an update because he has no data, i doubt that anyone else could
25/04/2012, 02:24 PM
I have the ini files for common_gui.prx, paf.prx, sysconf_plugin.prx and vshmain.prx with support up to 6.60 for these files.
But bare in mind this only works with my full version of prx editor v1.1.
If you need these just PM me and replace the files in the bin directory in the CTFtool program folder.
I have already tweaked the editor files to work with the 6.60 prx's.
Then you can just open them normally if the CTFtool is integrated into windows.
But bare in mind this only works with my full version of prx editor v1.1.
If you need these just PM me and replace the files in the bin directory in the CTFtool program folder.
I have already tweaked the editor files to work with the 6.60 prx's.
Then you can just open them normally if the CTFtool is integrated into windows.

24/01/2013, 11:23 PM
thank you so much.
28/03/2016, 09:05 PM
Please test the "CTFtool GUI v5 beta 3" for conversion to 660/661 (test version, may be bugs, not to share!)
If you have a new offsets, please share so I can add them to the program ...
If you have a new offsets, please share so I can add them to the program ...
29/03/2016, 08:19 AM
This is fantastic just converted my 5.00M33 themes to 6.61! Working perfectly (though I only tried one theme so far, but no errors! I was waiting for someone to do this. I'm gonna start making themes for 6.61 now. Thank you so much! I'll keep you posted if I have any problems.
29/03/2016, 12:58 PM
BigDaddyWeaves Wrote: [ -> ]Working perfectly
OK! Thanks for the tip! There are many functions of the right mouse button. For example, extract / pack CTF, PTF, RCO, BMP, GMO, then convert PRX, RCO (500 ≤> XXX 661).
How to convert icons for XMB Menu in "topmenu_icon.rco" file ...
Sometimes BMP icons obtained large or insert through RCOEditor inserted as damaged.
- Prepares the BMP image in Photoshop with an alpha channel.
- Then right-click convert BMP to PNG.
- Then right-click convert PNG to "PNG index color".
- Then convert "PNG index color" to GIM.
- Now you can insert through RCOEditor icon in place.