Anyone watched the first episode?
I was hooked from the first second story sounds nice, definitely Key quallity!
Animation is epic and well can't wait for the next episode!
I was not disappointed!^^
Through I don't know if the Haruhi similarities are necessary but oh welll...
I apologize Sky but I haven't heard of this anime.

What's it about?
It just aired yesterday^^
Taken from
MyAnimeList Wrote:Synopsis
In a world after death, angels fight for their fate and their future. Yuri, the leader of the Shinda Sekai Sensen, rebels against the god who destined her to have an unreasonable life. On the otherhand, Tenshi, the chairperson of the student council for the world after death, battles against the SSS members. SSS members utilize armed weaponry to battle it out against the angels harnessing supernatural powers.
Oh ok then, thanks for the tip Sky I will check it out

tell me how you liked it^^
watching it right now, and so far so good ^___^, too bad it's taking too long to buffer -___-
Let it buffer, it's worth it^^
i dunno. can't say anything about the plot just yet. but the comedic part is just meh =/
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]watching it right now, and so far so good ^___^, too bad it's taking too long to buffer -___-
worth the wait for that sexy quality
OK then, taking way too long to buffer -___-, going to download now,