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Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]Oi, I forgot to ask, what website do you go to watch it(Angel Beats)?

i don't; i download all my anime
Just watched Angel Beats episode 2, imho this series gets better and better, not to mention the superb opening, opinions?^^
Yeah just finished watching and I agree, that opening was great! ^___^, going to see if I can download it.....
Just finished Angel Beats Episode 2.

Substantial improvement on all fronts this time around, it was hilarious but pulled off the serious mood well enough (albeit really only being in one scene).. the action was good and now the characters are becoming noticeably individual.. sort of...

Spoiler for Character Design Ideas +1:
[Image: mazuiangelbeats02b658e5.png]
OP and ED songs were great - shame for lack of relation/connection to the anime unless it goes more emo on us.. a more up tempo song would've suited better [they really used Key Sound Label for the sake of Key :P]
LOl, they're twins!! XD
I heard oversubbing is cool?

[CoalGuys] Angel Beats! - 01 muxed.avi       «---  Coalguys didn't even do Angel Beats, where the fuck did these fags "mux" this from?
[ℵ0] Angel Beats! - 01v2 [C907A8D8].mkv
[Darksoul-Subs] Angel Beats - 01 [848x480 XVID_MP3].avi

Other groups who released a trailer (so have intentions of doing this)
What's so bad with many groups subbing it? Maybe they are just bored and want to kill time^^ I myself ripped the Opening and Ending of Angel Beats!, even though I knew other people were faster, just because I was bored^^
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]What's so bad with many groups subbing it? Maybe they are just bored and want to kill time^^ I myself ripped the Opening and Ending of Angel Beats!, even though I knew other people were faster, just because I was bored^^

I'm not saying it's bad.
It's good, for the watchers like you.
It's just dumb, for the fansubbers (especially the less known and/or starting groups, who don't really have any chance of winning against the more well known groups).

Ripping the OP and ED is different.  That takes about 2 minutes of effort.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]It's just dumb, for the fansubbers (especially the less known and/or starting groups, who don't really have any chance of winning against the more well known groups).
Can't really say that.  For one, it could mean a larger potential audience base, and may in fact increase exposure.  Not everyone is really picky about groups.  Also possible that they actually like the show, which is why they're doing it, after all, you don't really earn anything for being the best...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]It's just dumb, for the fansubbers (especially the less known and/or starting groups, who don't really have any chance of winning against the more well known groups).
Can't really say that.  For one, it could mean a larger potential audience base, and may in fact increase exposure.

The gains from a larger audience base would be far outweighed by the loss from competition.

If you were a new starter group, and you aren't the fastest, and you're competing with a whole lot of well known groups, you'd be lucky to even grab 1% of total audience.  Better to start with a show that no group (at least no good group) is doing, to build your viewerbase and reputation with.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Not everyone is really picky about groups.

Then they simply get the fastest group.  Which in this case is probably Mazui? (which also happens to be one of the more well known groups there).

So yeah, Imo Mazui and SS together are going to 'borrow' like 95+% of the audience base.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Also possible that they actually like the show, which is why they're doing it, after all, you don't really earn anything for being the best...

That's probably the case.
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