Done ep5. Okay, so it's a world after life where the aim appears to be to fulfill one's goal before being released (or "obliterated" as they call it).
Or probably not, considering that's too easy to derive.
Tenshi/Angel certainly has an odd personality to be totally indifferent to being shot at... but no-one dies - what's the point again?
just watched ep 9 and beyond. now that i (probably) have a firm grasp of the plot. i can safely say this is one overrated and overhyped boring drama >_>
dry humor > did (not) laugh at anything at all, (apart from the test thing), may be it's just me.
everyone is unimportant > seriously, remove (almost)any single character outta the story and you will still get the same anime
crappy characters > most of em are really unoriginal, with the exception of TK.
meh music > blah bleh blerg. same old Piano solo with sparkles. make new chocolate, Key. wee need less vampire on earth.
meh character designs > again, with the exception of TK, everyone has (almost) the same haircut, or typical haircut. i guess clannad was the limit of their creativity. they might as well form a power ranger groups with all the colors and same suits >_>
and yeah yeah yeah, I've been watching too much evangelion.