Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Favourite Game Type!
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TPS ex. Socom

Quest ex. Zelda

some racing


and more
This is a good thread

1st person lol
FPS (Call of Duty)
RTS (warcraft)
RPG (Diablo)
Tekken can come too....and ninja games like tenchu Z/ninja gaiden.
i voted everything. love games and don't really care about genre.
double you tee eff are shmups??

fps / racing / rts / arcade / adventure / platformer

last 3 are for when im really bored i think :D
I do like almost everything but with job, family, pets, sleep and my exausting list of things to do I can not play them all.
I like:

Third Person *fav one*
I like:

  1. Turn based Japaneses RPG
  2. Puzzle
  3. Platformer
  4. Fighters (Mame)
  5. Racers (F-Zero style)
  6. FPS (ID Soft)

I really don't play games that much anymore. Only when I'm board and have nothing to do, which is very rare.
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