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Yeah, Zelda's somewhat hard to categorize.  I say RPG cause of how the story is a major component, and you collect items, and assume the role of a character.  But also an adventure too I guess :P
merge racing with sport
no way
i hate everytinh about sport, nba, fifa, pes, thps, but i love nfs, pgr, etc
I suppose from that view, then yeah. When I think RPG, I think turn-based fighting and leveling up, etc.

Still, Mario doesn't fit in any of those categories, neither does Sonic, etc.
I would classify Zelda as an RPG (eastern style).

Oh, and Zinga, can u put in an example for the arcade/Fighting genre, just so all the options are in the same format?

And about old platform/scrolling shooters, I would probably say 3rd person... unless if Zinga wants also to put that option in...
Right, but the above option says 3rd person shooter. I'm adding adventure.
dead or alive?

mario is a rpg
like pokemon, theres not much difference right (compare pokemon red to super mario on snes)
You must be drunk. Mario is not and RPG.

Read this and see if Mario or Sonic fits into the RPG category: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=define%3ARPG

RPG is a type of game that Dungeons and Dragons started. The term may be more loosely used now, but I don't think that Mario, Zelda, Metriod or Sonic, et. al. are RPG's.

Pokemon and Super Mario World on the SNES are worlds apart in gameplay style. Maybe you're thinking of Super Mario RPG which was indeed a full-fledged and Squaresoft-produced Role Playing Game.
then what is pokemon on gb

you go through a world and u up the levels of ur pokemon

in mario

you go through a world and you collect stars

in zelda and sonic

idk never played it
Liquid Wrote:RPG is a type of game that Dungeons and Dragons started. The term may be more loosely used now, but I don't think that Mario, Zelda, Metriod or Sonic, et. al. are RPG's.

That kind of RPG (Dungeons and Dragons, Elder Scroll: Oblivion, Bauders Gate...) are what's called western RPGs.

While stuff like Final Fantasy, Tales of Phantasia, Star Ocean... would be classified as estern RPGs.

I think zelda would fall into the eastern RPG catagory.

About Mario, i don't know.
About sonic, it depends on which game. There are lots of different sonic games, which are different in type.
The only Mario game you collected stars in was Mario64. Super Mario Bros. refers to the NES Mario. Even Mario64 isn't an RPG.

If you plug 'super mario bros.' and 'genre' into google, you get action/adventure/platformer.

"Platformer" is a term that isn't really used anymore, though I'm old enough to remember it being used to describe games all the time (i.e. Mega Man).

You get similar results from 'legend of zelda' and 'genre' and 'metroid' 'nes' and 'genre' ('metroid' by itself returns too many hits for the new games).

Western or Eastern RPG - they all stem from the same ideas: a main character, interaction with other characters through text (maybe audio nowadays), leveling up, a main plot driven by many things, etc.

Mario lacks most of those requirements. I am just old enough to remember Mario being THE game, and it wasn't called an RPG.

The current Zelda's are somewhat more of the RPG type, however, there is still no leveling up, very little text interaction with other characters, and the plot is pretty sparse.
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