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ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Last time I heard, they hadn't finished dubbing - IDK - too lazy to check it out... >_>
I can confirm for all of u that there is a dubbed version out some time ago. I saw it at the place i get my anime from (library). It's titled "Rumbling Hearts".
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Getting it now :P
buying? borrowing? downloading?
Don't think i saw a dual audio download back then when i got this.
Where can I directly download these episodes? AVI or WMV format preferred.
^ Google is your friend, maybe.
EDIT: poo poo...
I was supposed to delete this post, but deleted the one above instead.
It was by Bstronga, about the ending being very good.
I give my apologies for this mistake.
Were you going to post something then withdraw your statement?
Sensei Seito Wrote:O_o
Were you going to post something then withdraw your statement?
Yeah, then i deleted his post instead of mine by mistake >.>
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