Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Guess... that... MOVIE!
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Is the movie Miami Vice?

no not CSI:MIAMI

CLOSE NIG... u got the idea... somewhat :D

@yoyo no not miami vice :D

@ nig... what's reyes? :D

guess that's a movie... and no its not what im thinknig
YoYoBallz Wrote:Is the movie Miami Vice?

i already said that...
CSI isn't a movie though...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

edit:damn tripple post...
NIGathan Wrote:CSI isn't a movie though...

yeah its not

and you keep saying MIAMI

recap of clues:

not made in the past 10 years
not made before 1990
something to do with miami cops
action movie
boogschd Wrote:
NIGathan Wrote:CSI isn't a movie though...

yeah its not

and you keep saying MIAMI

recap of clues:

not made in the past 10 years
not made before 1990
something to do with miami cops
action movie

no it is a movie i just found it

you linked me to a tv series nig :D

and it started yr 2000
oh your right i thought it was a movie because its on IMDB...

Starsky and Hutch?

can't remember where that was...
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