Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Guess... that... MOVIE!
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Kaiser Wrote:is it an action movie?

No it is not. :P

beaner2k6 Wrote:is it pretty linear or does it go up and down?

Its a steady plot.
is it about music of any kind?
is it a chick flick?
andrewcc Wrote:is it a chick flick?

No, it is not.

Kaiser Wrote:is it about music of any kind?

No, it is not.
back to the future?
is it a comedy?
Kaiser Wrote:back to the future?

LOL! No it is not.

andrewcc Wrote:is it a comedy?

YES! It is!
Fast Times At Ridgemont High
No, it is not. :P

YoYo hopes!
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