Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Guess... that... MOVIE!
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Is it Die Hard?

Brittany posted the EXACT same thing as me :P lol just as I was doing it....
Child's Play?
roe-ur-boat Wrote:Is it Die Hard?


alright EVERYBODY knows this movie trust me. its just not a movie anyone ever talks about or anything.
Brittany Wrote:OH OH OH!!
Child's Play?

No, not even close.
NIGathan Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:short circuit 2 ?

actually i was thinkin of choosing short circuit for my movie but no i didnt.

damn.. i thought i had it :D

this guessing thing is hard.. idk that many old movies
* boogschd was born 1988
trust me you know this movie, im sure you do.
This is harder then I thought...

Is the main person, male? Or female?
Brittany Wrote:This is harder then I thought...

Is the main person, male? Or female?

oooh very good question.

Male but don't be thinkin it has to be a person...
Is it Red heat?
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