Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Guess... that... MOVIE!
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* YoYoBallz will not be playing this round.  He has to drive on snowy roads to go pick up Amanda. damn her
no. it is a real film but it's pretty underground. only really known in britain. use wikipedia is you're stuck.
Hmmm underground and mostly known in Britain...
Im gonna have to mega research...
here's a clue. many uses of word fudge!
Its not something like, "Up In Smoke"? is it?
I think that was made in the U.S. but Im not 100% sure...
no. another clue for you. it was directed by kevin allen.
twin town?
hey. you got it.
here's a collage of fudges

Source: YouTube

im thinking of a movie in which the action occurs in london.
is it 90's+(watch the clip. it's fudgeing hilarious)
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