Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Guess... that... MOVIE!
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no @ andrewcc
yes @ brit
Um, does someone important die in your movie?
Is the movie batman: Forever

YoYo says sorry, he won't joke around no more
Brittany Wrote:Um, does someone important die in your movie?

not that i remember... <_< its been a long while since i saw it

YoYoBallz Wrote:Is the movie batman: Forever
YoYo says sorry, he won't joke around no more
OH SHI- you're right

Grrr you need to know your movie mister!
Ok... Does anyone get shot?
andrewcc Wrote:casablanca?
nop, sorry

Brittany Wrote:Grrr you need to know your movie mister!
Ok... Does anyone get shot?


Spoiler for big massive clue:
it was made in 1939
Gone With the Wind
Gone With The Wind!
wuthering heights?
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