Yes, welcome back Ac_k.

Good luck with the update.
SchmilK Wrote:welcome back ac_k! :)
don't use the bookmark file, use the excel worksheet! theres loads more in there ;)
yes yes yes that excel file is one big help - please advise if it was updated after its first release. thanks a lot :)
SchmilK Wrote:welcome back ac_k! :)
don't use the bookmark file, use the excel worksheet! theres loads more in there ;)
excel file can't be read by any hex editor

Good to hear man :)
Looking forward to an update :D
I'm always a big fun of your program bro ac_k you make my life easier. good to hear from you bro.
matchung Wrote:SchmilK Wrote:welcome back ac_k! :)
don't use the bookmark file, use the excel worksheet! theres loads more in there ;)
excel file can't be read by any hex editor 
no silly willy...i ment use the excel file for more offsets to reference for the program update compared to the bookmark file LOL
Come on Ac_K....
I miss being able to use your program...
Do you not want to update your app any more?
I add the 3.90 support ! I have a problem with the Menu Editor but I try to fix it !
I don't know if the VSHMAIN.PRX its different after the 3.90 FW!
If anyone can answer to my question ;)
Ac_K Wrote:I add the 3.90 support ! I have a problem with the Menu Editor but I try to fix it !
I don't know if the VSHMAIN.PRX its different after the 3.90 FW!
If anyone can answer to my question ;)
Man!! that's great news!!
3.90 only the vshmain.prx is different. 3.90 theme's work fine on CF 3.93.
can't wait!