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Finding the offset for a different firmware usually is a fairly simple task.

Let's say you have an offset for 3.52 vshmain.prx.  Go to that offset, in an unedited 3.52 vshmain.prx, and get the 4 byte value there.  Now go to your target firmware's (ie 3.71) vshmain.prx and just search for that value.  If you find multiple occurances, just corrupt some to see which is the right one.

Good luck on your editor!
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Finding the offset for a different firmware usually is a fairly simple task.

Let's say you have an offset for 3.52 vshmain.prx.  Go to that offset, in an unedited 3.52 vshmain.prx, and get the 4 byte value there.  Now go to your target firmware's (ie 3.71) vshmain.prx and just search for that value.  If you find multiple occurances, just corrupt some to see which is the right one.

Good luck on your editor!

Yes I Know... But I Don't know how many offset existing... It's for that I ask help !
But I don't forgot you for the base of the code ^^...

Thank for all !
Ac_K Wrote:Yes I Know... But I Don't know how many offset existing... It's for that I ask help !
Sorry, do you mean you want to find every offset that exists?

Somewhat impossible, (in terms of hexing) as a PRX is really an executable file.  It can contain values, but many may have little relevance to noticeable effects...
RRrrr Stupid English langage !!! Why I don't know many word lol !

In fact, In a PRX, There is many offset contain a float value (Like the "XMB Postion X") or String value (like "tex_ms") or Short (the 01.12.bmp size)... But between the different version... A New values appears and anothers value disappears... I the number of offset and what is it, it's confused for me ! So I want know all know value to posibility modify...

My english is very bad so my explain it's very bad :/ ...
damn, where´s the damn link, where can I download this editor? (am I blind? sorry I´m not used to this forum....actually!)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Finding the offset for a different firmware usually is a fairly simple task.

Let's say you have an offset for 3.52 vshmain.prx.  Go to that offset, in an unedited 3.52 vshmain.prx, and get the 4 byte value there.  Now go to your target firmware's (ie 3.71) vshmain.prx and just search for that value.  If you find multiple occurances, just corrupt some to see which is the right one.

Good luck on your editor!

What Zinga said is truth,to find already found offsets is a child work, just folow his words , well i was dumb and searched all the offsets manually ...

Ac_K for now im out of time.
Arf... You don't understand what I want said :/...

So, I know search the offset... But, I don't know how many offset it's possible to modify !
For know this... I ask your help...

I think I search all alone... :/

so...you want to know EVERY offset that makes a noticable difference??
First time i spoke to you , i thought you wanted all the known offsets , i agreed ...Now i understand you, you want ot investigate for new offsets , you know what this mean :
Time , good equipment and will.

I got will to find those , but im timeless , this investigation can take months and im handling real hard times.

And don't get mad if ifind something you will know , all will know it , cause i will share it off-course so plese be patient.
I like to see the offsets for the submenu icon's x and y,.. sorry would not know where to look,..
But what you have now looks like a very usefull prx editor,.. !!
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