Oh ? Which firmware version You use??
The write part's isn't coded just for the menu edit !
@ZiNgA BuRgA:
Quote:Oh okay. The OCX is automatically registered (or "installed") when the EXE is run. The thing is that people without Power User privileges can't register components
No it isn't it ^^... But if an idea for fix this problem... But with the Menu editor... I Use another OCX for use the listview Object... So I don't make Otherwise...
Yes Good idea for scan the float value of file ! But when the searched value is 0 or 1... It's more difficult to searched this :p!
Thanks for this file... If you would had this feature in my programs... Send me the source code (If it's in Visual Basic !)
Thanks for all to the bug report or idea !
@bro AC_K I'm on 3.71m33-2
Okee i tested multiple icon's,.
Your tool works but the icon's don't show up,..
For some reason you can't redirect icon's in 3.71 vshmain,.!?
I can't even redirect to an excisting icon,.. like make a memstick an umd icon,.!!?
Anyone know why!?
So this feature only works on 3.52,.!!
damn make it compatible please. ^_^
how can i recompress the prx's file?? I'm on 3.71 m33 with 1.50 kernel addon
prx compressor? I don't know. . .I would just delete dic folder for space OR use cxmb 2.5
Or don't install the 1.50 subset in 3.71, then you don't need to delete anything.
well yeah but you don't get the homebrew. .. . so either CXMB of delete the Dic folder like I said above OR if you still don't have enough space dummy the other font. . .(its something like 1mb)
Ac_K Wrote:@ZiNgA BuRgA:
Quote:Oh okay. The OCX is automatically registered (or "installed") when the EXE is run. The thing is that people without Power User privileges can't register components
No it isn't it ^^... But if an idea for fix this problem... But with the Menu editor... I Use another OCX for use the listview Object... So I don't make Otherwise...
If you're going to use the ListView control as well as the Tab control, you're probably better off only including the Windows Common Controls (comctl32.ocx). If I recall correctly it contains both, and are "standard" controls (your current tab control isn't "standard", as reflected by the fact that it doesn't follow XP themeing).
If you're really keen (probably more bother than it's worth) you can manually create the controls via calls to
CreateWindow() and handle all the necessary events.
I personally use my own tab control for tabs - it's much simpler. If you want to, you can use my module, modTabs.bas.
Alternatively, you can use VB Accelerator's controls. You include them as an ActiveX control (the sourcecode is given, so no need to link to an external OCX). Additionally, you get a _lot_ more options and features. For your information, VB Accelerator's controls internally create API calls to things like
Anyway, supplying the OCX is still the easiest way. IMO, not necessary to get rid of it. Most people will have necessary access anyway. Just perhaps something to consider for future projects :P
Ac_K Wrote:Yes Good idea for scan the float value of file ! But when the searched value is 0 or 1... It's more difficult to searched this :p!
Thanks for this file... If you would had this feature in my programs... Send me the source code (If it's in Visual Basic !)
It's a modified version of my SaveHacker program. I didn't really make the sourcecode "portable" unfortunately, so ya... Also, the search routine has been micro-optimized so much that I have trouble understanding it (interestingly, I managed to make it run faster than another searching program written in C XD). One other thing which makes it more complex is the fact that it can perform memory searching as well.