I don't know how fix this problem ... It's not my fault... The Hex Edit create this problem and I don't know how fix this :/
Ac_K Wrote:I don't know how fix this problem ... It's not my fault... The Hex Edit create this problem and I don't know how fix this :/
Editor works :great:

Drag & Drop !!
i can't find a psar dumper that can dump 3.80 - anyone help?
%%^^^check the powertools topic all files are posted,.
yeah im a moron lol.
thanks. :)
Ac_K so far what i tested no bugs , compressing works fine ,
editing ok ,colors ok , didnt tried redirection only ....
@GSmoke :
I need your help for add Commongui.prx support in my editor :) !
@All :
I certainly add TTF2PGF GUI in my editor :)
Sysconfg_plugin.prx got some usefull offsets too!! amybe add this prx!?
I have posted all updated offsets of sysconfg_plugin.prx in the 3.80 offsets thread
Ac_K Wrote:@All :
I certainly add TTF2PGF GUI in my editor :)
if you want the source for my gui for ttf2pgf you can have it. im not continuing to work on it anyway.
i also have 2 bug reports - firstly, playstation spot can't be removed, and secondly after more than a couple of edits i get subscript out of range when editing and saving paf.prx and i end up with corrupt files if i keep making small edits.
i really love your app.... i hope you include some other prx in future releases ^_^ thanks for the v0.4