Endless Paradigm

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please add me! (though i am far away from the ending lol)

Kryst JF
FC - 2277-6720-1141
I'm interested in what the Safaris are for you guys... apparently i have a Grass Type Safari... (although i also have a 2nd 3DS [my RDS] to mix up the safari)

will add later.
I'm also still here, If anyone adds me just say and I will add you back^^

My friend-code is: 4511-1331-2094
Okay, I've added Sky, Krysta and Ryu now.
* Syfe adds sky
Sup guys, sorry I'm late! I have the pokemon X, and I'm currently in the post game monkey-(ing) around.... add me and just let meh know here that you added me :)

FC: 0104-0247-1585
IGN: Spenser


(I have added every peep that was on this thread...just so you guys know) :)
added a few people from this thread.

mine is 0104-0452-9162
friend code: 2380-3115-6693
IGN: Hecaitomix

anyone have ditto on their safari ??? :D:D:D

adding everyone!
if people want you can also add my RDS


what is RDS? Wrote:RDS refers to my capture 3DS, a 3DS equiped with a capture board in which i can record from


added everybody above
I have added everyone in this thread.

Please add me with this code: 3711-7428-7641

Syfe, I added both of your codes
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