Endless Paradigm

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Cool, thanks ~.~
Anyone want some shiny or legendary?

I have an unwanted (probably clonned) shiny lucario 5iv.
and a shiny mewtwo and Genesect.
I wouldn't mind the Mewtwo or Genesect.
I'm busy with some school work right now. but i don't think i told anyone here yet, but i have pokebank.

so if anyone have a legendary they really want or something then i can get one or two for ya.

not everyone though, if i don't know you then errr may be not.
I want shiny Genesect :3 Anyone have the Y Megastone for Mewtwo? Can't stand the X-Version.
Do you have Lugia and Ho-oh? Can't offer much :/
lol i don't need a thing. :P with pokebank I'm a god right now.
There's so much I need. I've barely caught anything.
sounds like it's another chance for me to show this off:

Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]FINISHED IT JUST NOW!

How long did it take?
like 5 days of hardcore trading.

it was easier than most though because i have pokebank, legendaries ain't a problem.
then i get some MORE legendaries and trade people for like 10-30 pokemon each trades.
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