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and added you back Ekuso. (on both systems)
if you want to know what's in your safari or whatever, let me know.
Edit---Hey peeps I'm not very far in the game but uh feel free to add me 1977-1578-8115 urbnhybrd, let me know if you added me so i can add you as well---edit
Okay I added everyone now who I recognized and I still miss a confirmation from Luna, Ryu and Krystabegnalie just so you know, my friend-code is 4511-1331-2094 so you don't have to look at page 2^^
I'll end up adding everyone tonight.
that leaves 2 more people of EP yet to add me still. (1 other guy)
I'll add you on my RDS later, Sky and Urban
Alright well I've added everyone on here, and for some reason urbans friend code isn't working for me.....but at anyrate that's just the update from me :)
IGN: Natalie
FC: 2337-3204-8262
Just got Pokemon X, so I'm still somewhere in the beginning, lol.
-UrbanHybrid23- Wrote: [ -> ]1977-1578-8115
yeah it's telling that your friend code is invalid
edit: i dunno what i did but I finally got it...sorry bout that xD
Added UrbanHybrid and Vacui Natale now.
I still have Modest Proakies with jumbled up IV's (fairly sure none are perfect) if anyone wants one just request a trade and give me whatever.
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