Does anyone have a togepi for trade?
kenzodragon Wrote: [ -> ]Davis Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone have a togepi for trade?
What can you offer? :)
What do you want? Unless the Togepi is IV'd for my preference and bred for my Nature I don't really know what to offer.

I've taken off the competitive scene for a bit. and now trying to complete a Living dex.
now if you haven't heard of the term:
Here is my checklist: right now I'm near 711/744
if you guys need a baby or two i can help xD
just finished the kalos dex. just dex entries wise i have 712 something registered. probably gonna finish this soon enough.
That's awesome. I tried doing something like that back in the RBY days but never finished. xD
I though that's what it meant to "catch 'em all" That's how Ive been catching them since ruby and sapphire >.<
nicely done.
if you want to send some eggs from some of those starters, I'll take some.