Endless Paradigm

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Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]i have both, don't worry. hold on. I'll breed one now. do you care about IVs?

Not in particular since I don't want to waste too much of your time. I'll just breed in IVs later. Adore
Davis Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]i have both, don't worry. hold on. I'll breed one now. do you care about IVs?

Not in particular since I don't want to waste too much of your time. I'll just breed in IVs later. Adore
np, i have a 6iv ditto. shouldn't take more than 5-6 eggs..
spoon... i think i lost my destiny knots.
Alright if you're willing to do that then I'll take it.  Yay

Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]spoon... i think i lost my destiny knots.

sec. just got one. now to get an ever stone X-X
Take your time XD
got 2 for the first 5 eggs lawl.

what 's your FC?
Isis 3007-8958-2320

I think you have me already. Not 100% sure anymore. lol
oh yeah that's you. going online now
by the way i have both already (even a shiny azumarill and a 6iv normal one) so don't worry about sending me the 5iv ones. I'll just release them later)
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