slightly more up to date boss >>Batman: Arkham Asylum >> BOSS FIGHT - POISON IVY,. dull & anoying,. compared to all other boss fights in th game,. wich are all very easy,.
Game awesome!
the final boss from prinny on psp.
i nearly threw my psp at the wall
Emulating Secret of Mana (SNES) on the PSP made me rage. Cannot beat that boss which is a face-in-the-wall in that weird temple place.
1. I was sort of underleveled.
2. It was lagging on the PSP, so a lot of my attacks and spells come late and miss (the thing only opens it's eyes for a very short period, otherwise you can't damage it).
3. It fucking heals itself.
Give up, going to play on PC if I have the spare time, which is not likely.
Alma from Ninja Gaiden Sigma on Very Hard. Took me over 2 months to pass it, as you can guess i was VERY happy when i passed it
Chaos Panda Wrote:the final boss from prinny on psp.
i nearly threw my psp at the wall
I forgot about him. Yeah this, easily.
You have so little time limit and you do so little damage =(
Sparker Wrote:To empathize how much I hate this boss, I will bump this thread.
I really hate the Medusa Knight boss from Cotton because she has an annoyingly long intro to appear, then when she finally does appear she just a damn freakin' annoying boss, the most annoying part is there's restricted space to move and there's these annoying homing balls that don't disappear until you destroy them (which takes a long time)
Well, I found an easy way to take out those homing balls but she's still an annoying boss regardless.
the worst boss ever was the colossus in Coded Arms for psp. the first time you face him, hes fine. but when you fight him in the infinite level, hes impossible. i stopped playing my favorite game just because i couldnt get past this guy.
the 29th boss in Half Minute Hero, hero mode, lol, it makes me retry the stage many times, because i always running out of time, then my level grinding is not enough, lol, but yeah i manange to finished the hero mode scenario.
final fantasy xii weapon...ridiculously long.
Sparker Wrote:Sparker Wrote:To empathize how much I hate this boss, I will bump this thread.
I really hate the Medusa Knight boss from Cotton because she has an annoyingly long intro to appear, then when she finally does appear she just a damn freakin' annoying boss, the most annoying part is there's restricted space to move and there's these annoying homing balls that don't disappear until you destroy them (which takes a long time)
Well, I found an easy way to take out those homing balls but she's still an annoying boss regardless.
Is that her at 0:40!?
Oh god...