Yeah Sephiroth in KH was incredibly annoying, he would definitely be right near the top of my list. But Yunalesca was one of the easiest bosses for me in FFX, I don't know why some people had so many problems with her. I think some of the fights against Seymour were alot worse than her, and he was normally a piece of cake.
metal_gear08 Wrote:All you do is shoot the statues at the top corners of the room
that makes it a lot easier
(your refering to Psycho Mantis right? not Yunalesca or something)
So what does that do?
The sole problem was not being able to use the second controller, thus not being able to really hit him. i didn't really have problems with his attacks or anything else.
Didn't FFX have an auto-adjust difficulty thing?
The first game I played through Lady Yunalesca was easy to beat.
However on subsequent games, she was an evil witch!
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Can't remember. If I ever reach a boss which I find too hard, I'd just start using memory hacks or cheats.
Lol, you understand what games mean to me Tongue
yeah, i do that a lot for these "secret" bosses, which require u to level up a lot, and get the best equipment, skills magic and stuff to even stand a chance.
Like Ruby and Emerald Weapon in FF7. As if i could be screwed training for hours to get myself on a very high level, and master all the materia, and get multiple knights of the round and stuff like that needed to beat him without cheating. Would probably take like a week nonstop to master all these knights of the round normally, what a waste of time (one of my friends actually did it. lol). I just edited the save state, and watched the damage flash on the screen. took a total 15 minutes from start to kill. (i hate knights of the round method anyways. The 7777 combo method is cooler. I hate the knights of the round alltogether. Too overpowered, makes the game rather lame when u get him. Being able 1 hit KO Sephiroth is pretty screwed up.)
Normal bosses are meant so that u can beat readily when u get there, without spending any extra time, so i try to beat them normally, without cheating.
Double post|-Anubis-| Wrote:Didn't FFX have an auto-adjust difficulty thing?
The first game I played through Lady Yunalesca was easy to beat.
However on subsequent games, she was an evil witch!
Auto adjust difficulty thing? For a PS2 game, i doubt it. I don't think a PS2 game has any ways of tracking how much times u went through it. Unless through your saves. So even if it does, wiping your memory card will probably stop that.
maybe different levels/characters?
meh, i can't get FFX to run fast enough on my computer. i need a faster computer.
yeah that Sephiroth is hard too. (KH) i as talking about the one in (KH2) he starts the battle with a quick move combo thing.
I would have to say the giant Japanese dude (Level 5 or 6) in Slave Zero (Dreamcast). Sweet thing about that game is, I NEVER would have beaten that boss if I hadn't inadvertently come across a cheat. It was in the 2nd level at the end boss - I died right at his feet. However, I didn't hit continue when it offered b/c there were these bird things that were shooting at me as well, but they were also hitting the boss. So I sat and watched about 5 mins while these birds, which thought I was still alive I guess, kept shooting at me, ultimately depleting the boss' energy. So anyway, they actually ended up killing the end boss and the text said, "Congratulations!". I got to go onto the next level, and I was somehow invincible from there on. I beat the game that day, needless to say. Good stuff.
The last boss in the first kingdom hearts =/ i found him to be easier then a heartless lol
that really annoyed me cuase i thought it wouldve been harder.
Last battle, Kingdom Hearts.
that was a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG Battle
I beat it on the first try but I would have been pissed if I had to re-do it.
basically for me the final bosses for ff9 cd4
kh2 sepiroth was easy i pwned him lol i only lost to him once that was because i was lvl 60 and without glide
but aqt least i had him down 2 health bars