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the four clones of yourself in stardust acc. gets added to my listing of annoying bosses... not only do you have to beat all 4 at once. (one after the other) but you have to manage to keep your Life for each of those 4.

i got close to beating them. damn Delta Syfe.
Freaking Barubary. Freaking Barubary. Stop casting Bolt X over and over uggghhh
as funny as it may seem.......... that Cactus GF from FFVIII really, really fudgeing annoyed me.
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:as funny as it may seem.......... that Cactus GF from FFVIII really, really fudgeing annoyed me.

I didn't particularly remember he was that hard or annoying. Just use aura on yourself and limit break him. FF8 pretty easy game overall.

Secret of Mana (SNES), that boss which is a face on the wall.

Was emulating on PSP recently, and it was lagging, and he heals himself pretty much as much damage as I can hit him (because he closes his goddamn eye like 2/3 of the time), and everything was retarded. That Fire Gigas thing before was also pretty damn hard. I'm probably just way under leveled.

Cannot beat. Will try emulating it on PC sometime later, the lag on the PSP does not help.
In FFI for the PS1 Lich can be very annoying because Flare really hurts, otherwise he's very quick to kill even in the PS1 version where the fiends and chaos have more HP.

Also Kraken is, annoying when he hits you or can be very dumb and wastes his time using trying to blind you or using LIT2
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:as funny as it may seem.......... that Cactus GF from FFVIII really, really fudgeing annoyed me.

He's tricky but not too bad if you have high max HP. The aura + limit combo is the best way to go about him. His only real dangerous attack is 10000 Needles but if you have lots of Full-Life spells its not an issue.

He's weak to water so summon Leviathan or casting Water is another strategy. Also it should go without saying but summon Doomtrain at least once against him to nail several negative status on him.
Goshi Wrote:
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:as funny as it may seem.......... that Cactus GF from FFVIII really, really fudgeing annoyed me.

He's tricky but not too bad if you have high max HP. The aura + limit combo is the best way to go about him. His only real dangerous attack is 10000 Needles but if you have lots of Full-Life spells its not an issue.

He's weak to water so summon Leviathan or casting Water is another strategy. Also it should go without saying but summon Doomtrain at least once against him to nail several negative status on him.

Thanks for the tips - when I get round to finally conquering FFVIII [first time got stuck, second time was on PSP and got stuck on a part that froze and couldn't be fixed or walked around,,,,,, just my luck cause I was kicking donkey with that savegame]
bosses that have a chocolateload of hp, yet no challenge, just takes time. boring


[Image: Necropost-kitten.jpg]
To empathize how much I hate this boss, I will bump this thread.
I really hate the Medusa Knight boss from Cotton because she has an annoyingly long intro to appear, then when she finally does appear she just a damn freakin' annoying boss, the most annoying part is there's restricted space to move and there's these annoying homing balls that don't disappear until you destroy them (which takes a long time)
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